Rabu, 26 Maret 2014
Prosedur Klaim - Group
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Prosedur klaim di tempat layanan kesehatan rekanan
Step 1 |
Tertanggung datang ke tempat layanan kesehatan rekanan |
Step 2 | Tunjukan kartu Generali & Identitas diri | |
Step 3 | Tempat layanan kesehatan melakukan proses permintaan jaminan | |
Step 4 | Surat jaminan diberikan pada tertanggung | |
Step 5 | Surat jaminan ditandatangani oleh tertanggung/anggota keluarga | |
Step 6 |
Sebelum tertanggung pulang, tempat layanan kesehatan akan memberikan perincian kepada Admedika |
Step 7 |
Admedika akan mengirim kembali perincian klaim yang ditanggung dan kelebihan biaya |
Step 8 | Tertanggung membayar kelebihan biaya | |
Step 9 | Pasien pulang |
Prosedur klaim di tempat layanan kesehatan bukan rekanan
Step 1 | Tertanggung datang ke tempat layanan kesehatan | |
Step 2 |
Tertanggung mendapatkan layanan kesehatan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan yang berlaku |
Step 3 | Tertanggung membayar tagihan tempat layanan kesehatan | |
Step 4 |
Tertanggung mengajukan klaim ke Generali. Maksimum 60 hari sejak keluar dari tempat layanan kesehatan |
Step 5 | Keputusan klaim akan diproses dalam 14 hari kerja termasuk pembayaran | |
Step 6 | Pembayaran ditransfer ke rekening tertanggung |
Prosedur klaim kematian
Step 1 |
klaim ke Generali dengan melampirkan persyaratan-persyaratan yang
diwajibkan oleh Generali maksimum 60 hari sejak tertanggung meninggal
dunia |
Step 2 |
Keputusan klaim akan diproses dalam 14 hari kerja termasuk pembayaran |
Step 3 | Bila disetujui, maka pembayaran akan ditransfer ke rekening ahli waris |
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iSERVICES Merupakan
layanan yang diberikan Generali kepada nasabah dalam bentuk portal web
yang memudahkan nasabah melihat portofolio secara online kapan pun dan
dimana pun Anda berada.
Apa yang Anda bisa lakukan dengan iSERVICES?
Anda bisa mengakses iSERVICES untuk mendapatkan kemudahan sebagai berikut:
Apa yang Anda bisa lakukan dengan iSERVICES?
Anda bisa mengakses iSERVICES untuk mendapatkan kemudahan sebagai berikut:
- Informasi nasabah, seperti
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Auto Risks Management System
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The Importance of Managing Risk
Investors always face uncertainties
when investing in the capital market. Unexpected market price
fluctuation could occur at any time. Furthermore, both external and
internal economic shock may affect the capital market price movement
significantly. In addition, investor sentiment could also influence the
price movement.The capital market price volatility is an inevitable risk that most investor must encounter. If it’s not managed properly, an investment loss is likely to be the result. If the investment value declines in the short term while the need for cash is still on the long run, there is still plenty of time to recover the asset value. However, when the need for cash comes at the time of financial crisis, managing the risks will become complicated as failure will cause loss at the end of investment.
Another problematic issue arises as investor faces many limitations. One of them is human emotion. Investors tend to buy as the market price rising to its historical high. In this case, the emotion encourages investors to invest due to their misguided perception of a potential gain. Emotion is also one of the reasons why investors exit the market when the price is already decreasing significantly. They fear that price will keep decreasing even more. Even after these wrong decisions, the experience of losing money will keep the investors away from the market for quite sometimes. When they decide to get back in the investing, the price has already been on a noticeable higher level.
Other example is when the investor is encountering an increasing price value from investment asset that his/her has. As the investor becomes greedy, he/she will postpone his profit realization (selling his asset). Without being realized, then, the price suddenly moves downward and he/she is too late to gain profit. Clearly, fear and greed drive investors to make a premature decision or the otherwise a late decision.
Another limitations faced by the investors is the limited time and access to monitor the price movement in capital market.
Therefore, a system is needed to help investors in managing risks. This system must be able to monitor price movement, to work automatically and is not being affected by human emotions.
ARMS is the answer
To meet the investor’s need in managing risk investment, Generali Indonesia has invented a risk management system that works automatically. This system is called Automatic Risks Management System (ARMS). ARMS combines several risks management method that runs automatically. This method comprised of:
Auto Balancing
Auto Trading
Auto Re-entry
- Bounce Back
Auto Balancing
This feature is functioned to keep the investment portfolio asset composition in line with the investor’s risk profile automatically and consistently from time to time. This is conducted by selling or buying each asset in a Portfolio when each proportion changes outside the predetermined composition set by the investor.
The interesting part from Auto Balancing is that investors will consistently buy certain asset when its price is low and sell it when its price is high. This is done by selling the outperforming asset and buying the underperforming asset simultaneously when the portfolio composition change outside the limit set by investor or in the other word, Buy Low-Sell High Principle occurs consistently. This is done by selling the outperforming asset and buying the underperforming asset simultaneously when the portfolio composition change outside the limit set by investor. With Auto Balancing, the movement of price of each investment asset will be monitored daily. Also, the process as mentioned will be enforced according to investor’s tolerance limit consistently and continuously.
Auto Trading
This feature is functioned to automatically monitor and maintain the investment portfolio performance to be accordingly and consistently with the investor’s investment goal from time to time. After achieving the growth target, investors should realize their profit (profit taking). On the contrary, when the investment declines exceeding a tolerable limit, investors need to exit the market to prevent further loss (cut loss). With Auto Trading, profit taking or cut loss works automatically.
Forthcoming development of Auto Trading: Profit Climbing
Profit Climbing is a feature developed as an alternative to Profit Taking. This feature helps investor to avoid making premature profit realization while the market could grow higher. This concept can be as an analogy of a person climbing upon a stairway in which each stairs has its safety net under it. This person will have no worries of falling down when stepping up. When this person falls from any stair, a safety net is already there to keep him/her safe from hitting the ground floor.
Auto Re-Entry
It is one feature that is embedded in Auto-Trading that functioned to re-invest automatically all investment result that has been realized or secured according to risk profile and investment goal of the investor
After Existing the market, due to profit taking or cut loss, an investor must determine the time when he/she will re-enter the market. The best timing to do this is when the price of his previously owned investment instrument is cheaper. This is done by monitoring its’ price movement after the investor is out of the market. Once the price decreases to a predetermined level, the investor should re-invest in to the market. With Auto Re-Entry, this investment process works automatically.
Bounce Back
Bounce Back is a feature of investment in facilities that serve to reallocate investment value has been realized and / or secured automatically via the Auto Trading, on the allocation of investment fund type specified by the customer, in a certain period and the parameters are determined by Generali Indonesia.
Bounce Back feature the functions similar to the Auto Re-Entry feature, the difference lies in the value of investment allocation parameters, where the Auto Re-Entry using the parameters specified by the customer, while Bounce Back uses certain parameters specified by the Generali Indonesia Investment Professionals Team. In this case, when this parameter produces a signal indicating that market price has entered a trend of increasing investment, the investment fund will be re-allocated according to the composition before Auto Trading triggered.
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adalah produk travel insurance
yang akan memberikan kenyamanan baik untuk perjalanan bisnis atau
liburan anda bersama keluarga. Dengan menjalin kerjasama bersama
Internasional SOS, iTRAVEL memberikan perlindungan selama 24 jam di seluruh dunia.
Manfaat yang diberikan iTRAVEL adalah sebagai berikut:
(dalam Rupiah)
Manfaat yang diberikan iTRAVEL adalah sebagai berikut:
(dalam Rupiah)
MANFAAT MEDIS DAN JASA | Gold | Silver | |
1 | Biaya-Biaya Medis dan Kecelakaan Gigi di Luar Negeri | | 500.000.000 |
2 | Santunan Harian di Rumah Sakit di Luar Negeri (500,000 per hari) | 10.000.000 | 5.000.000 |
3 | Evakuasi Medis Darurat | Biaya Sesungguhnya | Biaya Sesungguhnya |
4 | Pemulangan | Biaya Sesungguhnya | Biaya Sesungguhnya |
5 | Pemulangan Langsung | Biaya Sesungguhnya | Biaya Sesungguhnya |
6 | Kunjungan Rumah Sakit | 20.000.000 | Nol |
7 | Kunjungan Perjalanan | 20.000.000 | 15.000.000 |
8 | Perlindungan Anak | 20.000.000 | 15.000.000 |
9 | Fasilitas Penunjang Medis | 25.000.000 | 15.000.000 |
Santunan Kematian karena Kecelakaan dan Cacat Total Tetap | | 500.000.000 | |
1 | Bantuan Informasi Pra-Perjalanan | Tersedia | Tersedia |
2 | Referensi Kedutaan Besar | Tersedia | Tersedia |
3 | Bantuan Kehilangan Bagasi | Tersedia | Tersedia |
4 | Bantuan Kehilangan Paspor | Tersedia | Tersedia |
5 | Bantuan Informasi Cuaca dan Nilai Tukar | Tersedia | Tersedia |
6 | Bantuan Penyampaian Pesan Darurat | Tersedia | Tersedia |
7 | Bantuan Referensi Penerjemah | Tersedia | Tersedia |
* | Hanya berupa bantuan pengaturan perjalanan |
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Ultimate Balance Right Insurance Choice
UB Rich merupakan produk dengan premi regular yang dikemas untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan Anda dan keluarga Anda di masa yang akan datang.
UB Rich dilengkapi dengan Auto Risks Management System (ARMS) Fitur yang tersedia adalah:
Manfaat Utama UB Rich:
Manfaat Asuransi Tambahan (rider):
Pilihan Investasi yang Menarik
Kinerja di masa lalu bukan merupakan pedoman untuk kinerja di masa mendatang, harga dapat turun dan naik dan tidak dapat dijamin.
UB Rich dilengkapi dengan Auto Risks Management System (ARMS) Fitur yang tersedia adalah:
Auto Rebalancing diibaratkan
sebagai cruise control investasi, yaitu pengaman dasar yang bekerja
menjaga komposisi investasi tetap stabil dan tidak melewati batas
toleransi yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya.
Auto Trading sebagai
rem investasi yang berfungsi menjaga investasi agar tidak melebihi
batas toleransi yang dapat ditanggung ketika harga portfolio turun atau
Profit Climbing
Merupakan fitur yang berfungsi untuk menjaga agar acuan fasilitas Auto Trading bergerak mengikuti pertumbuhan dana investasi terpilih secara otomatis sesuai dengan parameter yang telah Anda tetapkan.
Auto Re-Entry berfungsi sebagai automatic gear investasi yang digunakan untuk kembali berinvestasi secara otomatis sesuai dengan keinginan.
Bounce Back merupakan
fasilitas investasi untuk mengalokasikan kembali Nilai Investasi sesuai
dengan alokasi pada jenis Dana Investasi yang ditentukan oleh Pemegang
Polis atas seluruh Nilai Investasi yang telah direalisasikan.
Manfaat Utama UB Rich:
√ Manfaat Meninggal Dunia & Meninggal Dunia karena Kecelakaan
Jika Tertanggung meninggal dunia, maka
akan dibayarkan Uang Pertanggungan sebesar 100% ditambah dengan Nilai
Investasi jika ada. Dan jika Tertanggung meninggal dunia karena
kecelakaan, maka akan dibayarkan Uang Pertanggungan sebesar 150%.
√ Manfaat Akhir Pertanggungan
Jika Tertanggung masih hidup sampai masa pertanggungan berakhir, maka akan diberikan nilai tunai (jika ada)
Manfaat Asuransi Tambahan (rider):
√ Manfaat Cacat Total dan Tetap
Perlindungan atas Risiko Cacat Total dan Tetap sampai dengan usia 70 tahun.
√ Manfaat Penyakit Kritis
- CI Additional
Perlindungan bagi Tertanggung Utama terhadap 36 kondisi kritis. Manfaat Asuransi Tambahan ini tanpa mengurangi Uang Pertanggungan produk dasar.
- MCI (Multi Stages of Critical Illness)
Perlindungan bagi Anda, pasangan Anda dan anak-anak Anda terhadap risiko 62 kondisi kritis yang terbagi dalam 3 tahap (Awal, Mayor dan Katastropik)*. Manfaat asuransi tambahan ini tanpa mengurangi Uang Pertanggungan produk dasar.
*Tahapan Penyakit Kritis ditentukan Penanggungan berdasarkan informasi dari dokter yang tertera dalam dokumen pengajuan klaim.
√ Manfaat Pembebasan Premi (Waiver of Premium)
- WoP Basic-Plan
- WoP Full-Plan
- WoP Spouse Basic-Plan
- WoP Spouse Full-Plan
- WoP Parent-Plan
- Survivor Parent-Plan
- Survivor Spouse Basic-Plan
- Survivor Spouse Full-Plan
√ Manfaat Santunan Tunai Harian Perawatan Rumah Sakit
Santunan Tunai Harian, apabila Tertanggung mengalami risiko rawat inap yang diakibatkan oleh suatu penyakit dan atau kecelakaan
Pilihan Investasi yang Menarik
Pilihan dana investasi | Berinvestasi pada |
Generali Money Market II | 100% pada instrument pasar uang |
Generali Fixed Market II | 0% - 100% instrument pendapatan tetap 0% - 100% instrument pasar uang |
Generali Equity II |
0% - 100% instrument saham 0% - 100% instrument pasar uang |
Pertumbuhan Dana Investasi
Hasil Investasi | 1 bln | 3 bln | 6 bln | 9 bln | 12 bln | YTD | Sejak Peluncuran |
Generali Money Market II |
0.71% | 0.85% | 1.74% | 2.6% | 3.37% | 1.74% | 7.22% |
Tolok Ukur * | 0.19% | 0.62% | 1.19% | 1.77% | 2.37% | 1.19% | 7.36% |
* Rata-rata suku bunga deposito 1 bulan lima bank besar |
Generali Fixed Market II | -1.87% | -1.80% | -1.87% | 2.91% | 5.00% | -1.87% | 23.65% |
Tolok Ukur * | 0.25 | 0.76% | 1.44% | 2.19% | 2.98% | 1.44% | 8.93% |
*70% bunga obligasi pemerintah, 30% suku bunga Bank Indonesia
Generali Equity II |
4.34% |
18.39% |
21.00% |
25.96% |
18.39% |
Tolok Ukur * |
-3.93% |
9.38% |
9.37% |
19.15% |
9.38% |
* Indeks Saham LQ 45
Kinerja di masa lalu bukan merupakan pedoman untuk kinerja di masa mendatang, harga dapat turun dan naik dan tidak dapat dijamin.